Nov 11
Death by Design: Producing Racial Health Inequality in the Shadow of the Capitol
12:00pm - 1:00pm | Room 403 - PSC Commons
Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs and Maurice P. During Professor of Demographic Studies
Princeton University
Speaker Biographies

Sanyu A. Mojola is a Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs and the Maurice P During Professor of Demographic Studies at Princeton University. She directed the Office of Population Research between July 2020 – June 2024. She received her PhD from the University of Chicago, and was previously at the University of Michigan and the University of Colorado Boulder. Her mixed methods research examines how societies produce health and illness, with a particular focus on the HIV/AIDS pandemic as it unfolds in various settings such as Kenya, South Africa and the US. She has investigated how social dynamics within schools, communities, labor markets, cities and eco-systems can lead to health inequality. She is especially interested in how the life course, gender, race/ethnicity and socio-economic status shape health outcomes. In addition to a published and forthcoming book, her award-winning work has appeared in journals such as the American Journal of Sociology, Gender and Society, Demography, Social Science and Medicine and Journal of Marriage and Family. She has served on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Sociology, the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, and Studies in Family Planning, and is currently serving on the editorial boards of the American Sociological Review and Population and Development Review.

