Mary Ersek and Rachel M. Werner participate virtual seminar on improving the quality of care in nursing homes, presented by UPenn’s LDI Institute

Mary Ersek and Rachel M. Werner (PARC Research Associates) participated in a Penn LDI virtual seminar on "Policies, Politics, and Problems of Long-Term Care."

U.S. nursing homes have been notorious for their poor care, poor staffing, poor patient conditions, and poor regulatory oversight for decades. The latest effort to devise a plan to effectively address these harmful deficiencies came in the April, 2022, in the release of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's consensus study, "The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality." Three members of the committee that created that report, along with U.S. Senator Bob Casey from Pennsylvania, came together to discuss these issues in a seminar organized by the University of Pennsylvania's Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. 
